Specialist in car rental but also in Reunion, ITC Tropicar invites you to discover one of the circuses of Reunion: Salazie. Reunion's greenest circus, many travelers are wondering what to absolutely go to see in Salazie. Look no further, here is our list of the must-see destinations in Salazie.
The waterfall to see in Salazie
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Reunion, the Voile de la Mariée is therefore a natural place to see in Salazie. This legendary site in Reunion is aptly named. Indeed, it is long waterfalls similar to a bride's veil that mark visitors and Reunion Islanders. The legend is just as striking. According to her, a tragedy would have taken place there. A young woman fell in love with a young man. But the young woman's father, a widower, did not want her to leave, which is why he locked her up. The latter managed to escape and the father found the lovers in front of the altar of the church. The young woman runs away but her veil blinds her. She fell and her veil caught on the edge of the precipice. The father thus shed all his tears on the veil of the young bride.
Village to see in the Salazie circus

Hell-Bourg is classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France. This is a must see place in Salazie for many reasons. Pretty huts, typical Creole gardens, cultural visits with an authentic atmosphere, hiking nearby ... For all these reasons, Hell-Bourg is a must-see destination in Reunion. Easily accessible by city caror other, this circus which is the greenest of the island is an incredible green setting. It is not uncommon to see tourists with their cameras walking around the village. There are also many souvenir shops to leave with suitcases full of souvenirs. The village can be explored on foot, so as not to miss the hidden beauties. Park your rental car in the streets of the village and keep your eyes open: guetalis, unique panoramas… Hell-Bourg will amaze you!