Qualité Tourisme Réunion : the Quality Tourism Charter for Reunion Island
Launched in 1996 by the Tourism Committee and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Reunion, the Quality Tourism Charter for Reunion Island enables the best tourist service providers on the island to be identified and recognised.
ITC Tropicar thus offers a choice of quality among its partners as they are all QTIR certified.
Hotels, restaurants, leisure activities, transport and places to visit, quality is always at the forefront with ITC Tropicar and its partners.

The QTIR label aims to:
- Offer tourists a product of international standing
- Give Reunion a positive image in terms of tourist services
- Improve the Reunion product and reinforce its attractiveness
- Mobilise and unite professionals around the imperatives of quality
- Impose the "Réunion Qualité Tourisme" symbol as a reference quality mark.
Professional members are subject to regular assessments. They are signatories to the quality charter. To date, the charter has about a hundred members, including our car rental agencies.
Contact the Regional Tourism Committee
Ile de la Réunion Tourisme - (IRT)
4 Rue Jules Thirel
Bâtiment B
97460 Saint-Paul
Telephone : 0810160000
Fax : 02 62 21 00 21
Internet : www.reunion.fr